All I can say is YUM! A sweet treat that’s actually really healthy for you and you can’t even tell it’s made with avocados! Avocados are a nutrient powerhouse containing over 20 minerals + vitamins and Cacoa is an ancient superfood known as one of the richest sources of antioxidants. A great source of healthy fats to support your nervous system and loaded with nutrients this recipe is a win – win for your health and taste buds.  

Chocolate Avocado Pudding

4 medium sized avocados 

½ cup packed dates (pitted) about 12 

5 tbsp raw cacoa powder 

3 tbsp maple syrup 

1 tsp vanilla extract 


1. Soak dates in warm water until soft then drain (usually 15-30 mins) 

2. Put all ingredients in blender (or food processor works too) 

3. Blend until it’s smooth > will have to blend a few times 

4. Chill in fridge 1 hr before serving 

I usually have to stop the blender and scrape down sides a couple times even with my high-powered blender so if it takes a little bit of time don’t feel defeated it will work and it will be worth it! 

Makes 4 servings and will last in fridge a few days.



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