My ultimate goal is for you to feel confident in your skin and to live an empowered and fulfilled life where you’re not afraid to go after your dreams no matter how big or small – I believe we are all destined for greatness.
I’m Lauren!
(pronounced like Sophia Loren)
I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, weight gain coach and creator of the Transform Your Skinny method. I help women who have struggled with feeling to skinny gain healthy weight, create sexy curves and claim their body confidence so they can become their healthiest, happiest and most confident self.
I teach my unique method to weight gain in a simple and fun way through recipes, fitness videos, lifestyle strategies, health tips + tricks and online programs.
I graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition with a certificate of merit and continued my studies at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition. I’m committed to always learning the newest cutting edge science and the latest in health to deliver the absolute best to my clients.
Why I chose weight gain to specialize in:
Because I’ve been where you are – I personally have struggled with feeling super skinny and feeling painfully insecure in my skin because of it. I felt alone and lost for solutions. Tired of the comments about my weight. And fed up with my lack of results.
I wanted to change the game on weight gain so other women wouldn’t have to feel as lost for answers as I was and feeling defeated that their weight was never going to change.
Fast forward to now – I changed my story and now I want to help YOU do the same.
After years of trying and failing at gaining weight I knew there had to be a better way. This is the point where I ditched the “old school” way of gaining and went beyond increasing calories to adopt a more well-rounded approach that blended the eastern philosophy of body, mind, spirit connection with the science -based approaches of nutrition, fitness and lifestyle strategies. This is how the Transform Your Skinny Method was created.
I gained 30 lbs and went from 118 to 148 pounds using this method and now I want to help other women do the same.
Why I love what I do
I believe life is meant for living and when you feel insecure in your body it can get in the way of you living your best life. It’s amazing the shifts I’ve seen in women when they start feeling good in their skin and the overspill of benefits into everyday life – not only do you change your body, you gain confidence – confidence in your self, your body, your life and your dreams. It changes your relationships with others as well as with yourself, when you’re happier you do better and you can’t help but radiate that light everywhere you go – it’s an amazing thing to see.
My ultimate goal is for you to feel confident in your skin and to live an empowered and fulfilled life where you’re not afraid to go after your dreams no matter how big or small – I believe we are all destined for greatness.

- I have 2 beautiful children and a handsome hubby
- I love trying new things and going on new adventures
- My favourite animals are orangutans with chimpanzees a close second
- I’m a second degree brown belt in Shotokan karate
- I love and am fascinated by anything to do with personal development and spirituality
- Dance parties with my kids (let’s be honest) by myself are my jam
- I’m a recovering perfectionist and stress case – something I have to continue to work at daily
- My goal is to become a centurion and live until I’m 100 or older!
- I’m all about living life to it’s fullest and reaching our full potential
- I love travel for the experience and knowledge you gain but also the imprint that each trip leaves on you
A Bit About
Lauren’s Story
At the age of 9 is when I started to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. This is the time that I became aware of my body and how skinny I was compared to others. It was also the age I started getting teased for being so thin. It wasn’t an everyday occasion, but it happened enough that the words just always stayed with me. Even family members, friends or even strangers would make comments about my weight – unknowing of the effect it had on me. They would tell me to “eat up” or pinch my arm or grab my wrist and say, “OMG you’re so skinny!”, one time I was even told that I looked unwell and should go see a doctor. The impression I was left with is that it’s a bad thing to be so skinny and maybe I was doing something wrong. All which contributed to my growing insecurity about my body.
I’ve been naturally thin my whole life (some may say too skinny) and have struggled to gain weight due to a very fast metabolism and what seemed to be pre-destined family genetics that made it seem almost impossible to gain a pound. So, let’s just say gaining weight and having some curves didn’t seem like a reality for me despite all my efforts to change this.
My insecurity around feeling too thin affected how I lived my life. For the younger part of my life I would wear baggier clothes to hide my body, I would rarely wear shorts and would go for a pant over a dress any day. I avoided going to the beach, so I wouldn’t have to wear a bathing suit and didn’t sign up for any sports teams at school because I knew I would have to show my legs in the school uniform.
I feared that people thought I was anorexic or was trying to stay thin, so I would eat all the time to try and show that wasn’t the case at all. I could eat most people under the table and my friends would always laugh at this as to why I still never gained weight.
But while they were laughing I was crying.
I felt very alone as many people could not relate to me – the majority of people I knew were trying to lose weight not GAIN. Trying to gain weight was just unheard of to most people and I learned quickly to not mention my weight struggle to others as the response usually given was more negative than supportive.
After graduating high school I finally I got fed up with the comments and feeling this way about myself so I decided to make a change.

I did what most practical people would do and did everything opposite of what people trying to lose weight would do. Burgers, french fries and nachos became my new best friends – I turned into a takeout queen! Thinking fast food and not working out was my yellow brick road to the emerald city of weight gain.
Well that way of thinking didn’t work out so well for me. After about a year of eating and living this way I had made little to no progress and I started feeling unwell.
Feeling hopeless with not only my inability to gain weight but also my increasing health problems of acne, fatigue + digestive issues I decided there has to be a better way.
I found my answer on google when I came across the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition school, I enrolled right away as I was committed to take my health into my own hands. Sure enough, I succeeded in transforming my health and healed my acne, fatigue + digestive issues as I applied what I was learning to my own life but sadly my weight still stayed the same.
Again, I was thinking WTF.
How is this possible?!
So, I went on my own journey that took a couple years of trials and tribulations. I had also just started school to become a Transformational Nutrition Coach which opened my eyes to a whole new level of holistic health and healing. I felt it was the missing link to tie everything I had learned together so I could truly transform my body and my health.
With the new knowledge and tools learned I started yet another attempt at gaining weight. I focused on shifting my mindset, supporting my digestive system, eating a nutrient-rich whole foods diet which aimed at nutrients first – calories second, used natural ways to calm down my metabolism, nervous system as well as balance hormones and started weight training 2x a week.
This is when everything changed for me.
I finally GAINED weight and was able to sustain it. (Can I get an Amen.)
I gained 30 lbs and went from 118 lbs to 148 lbs.
I realized there was more to weight gain than counting calories. I was successful because I combined the ancient practice of the body, mind, spirit connection with science-based nutrition, fitness and lifestyle strategies. I was able to gain weight faster, gain more than I thought I could and most importantly sustain it. Not to mention I added some curves thanks to using key weight training exercises to build the body in all the right places.
i transformed my body and changed my life and now I want to help YOU do the same!
My mission now is helping other women know they are not alone with their weight gain struggle and no matter how much they think they are destined to forever be super skinny they are capable of transforming their body and gaining weight in a natural, safe and sustainable way.
I want you to feel comfortable and confident in your skin because you are WORTHY and DESERVING of living a life free of body insecurity and not allowing it to hold you back from living your biggest and best life that is authentic to YOU.
So if you’re ready to transform your skinny and become a healthier, happier, more confident YOU then you’re in the right place!
You can start by checking out the free resources on the site, follow along on Instagram or work with me exclusively and join the Transform Your Skinny program.
Go and Get it, Girl!
All my love and support,